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The journey of success that started four decades ago has today become a symbol of economic & social development of Pakistan. Yet Chawla Group of Industries feels there is no end when it comes to achievement thus it strives to explore the ultimate business opportunities. Being a business group based on trust, skill, knowledge, and experience, we are committed to pursue the goal of discovery, reliability and continuous growth.

CHAWLA Footwear

Dream comes true in comfort

Chawla footwear is most authentic and traditional brand Of Pakistan, slowly making its way in international market as well. Chawla has emerged as sole carrier of innovation, quality and economy, where company aims to reach masses. Chawla footwear is not a fancy term, but rather has a unique blend of longitivity, elegance and simplicity to meet day to day footwear requirements and this has enabled Chawla Footwear to reach masses and became a household name from last two decades.

Being synonym for quality, comfort and tradition, Chawla footwear offers most reasonable and economical prices.

Chawla footwear Brands

Being a household name, Chawla Footwear variety is accessible by even small shoe shops around Pakistan and Middle East. Customers are entertained with simplest daily wearer sandal to elegant Barmi. Currently Chawla has more than 1000 footwear designs easily accessible in entire shoe market of Pakistan

Current products are





Includes variety for Men, women and kids

Chawla Footwear offers durable Plastic sleepers and Moccasins to Elegant and beautiful sandals.

Chawla is mostly first one to introduce new variety and believes in trend setting.

PVC shoes


Chawla Footwear Heritage

Mr started with sole production of Hawaii chapels and became a household product, which eventually. Back in 80s and 90s Hawaii chapel by Chawla was everyone’s necessity, where group developed their heritage in all plastic based footwear and now it has been emerged as one of mass producer of footwear not only to cater  their individual consumers in Pakistan but worldwide as well.


